Thursday, April 9, 2009

a little moment I'm having...

it's 11:59pm. and guess what I'm doing at 11:59pm? I'm just sitting here on the floor in the puppy room, petting Millie and keeping my eye on these nine little squirmy things called puppies. they are sooo precious. the little sqeaky noises they make...sigh. ;) so yeah my shift is about over and I'm gonna hit the sack for a while, but I just thought I'd share with you all what a sweet little moment I'm having right now. :D (pics are def coming soon, but tomorrow. not now. tomorrow. ;)


Joanna said...

i love you. so much.
and, get sleep. lots of it

Anonymous said...

they are SO adorable!!! I'm totally stealing one from you...


Chill said...

Then why does it say Posted by rach at 8:57 PM =d

cass said...
