Sunday, March 28, 2010

esther is over.

5 shows. 3 months. hundreds of hours.

i can't believe we're done. its really hard to understand.

you have to think really hard.


and then you get a little sad.

like, hey. i'm never gonna do this play ever again.

i'm not gonna see these people every day for three months in a row.

some of my favorite peoples ever are graduating.

and growing up.

and leaving.


but i've been thinking about other things too.

about how AMAZING God was to us these past few months.

about all the blessings he's given me.

time with old friends.

time with new friends.

people i never would have known.

but i'm so glad i do now :)

so many ways to learn and grow.

opportunities to improve.

chances to encourage.

lots of laughter. it's a gift from God.

and most importantly...

one of the most amazing opportunities to give my all to honor Him.

it really is all for Him.


so yes. i'm going to miss it. a whole bunch.

i'm going to miss my friends. a whole bunch.

i'm gonna miss late nights cleaning up in the dark.

early mornings listening to sleepy kids warming up.

pizza orders. walkie talkies. set changes. birthday cakes. mustaches.

but God said it best (surprise!)...

for everything there is a season.

and a time for every matter under heaven.


these next two i stole from Devin's facebook page :)

yes. that is sharpie.

i know. we're pretty amazing.


my little sister Brandon MEchelle :)

popple!! :D

brain twin. duhh.

hannah is the coolest awesomest most amazing set manager everrrr

hey look. i'm as tall as elliot! ha.

aaaand the most amazing history teacher in the world.


the end.


Friday, March 26, 2010

last pre-show production meeting... my basement.
so it's the last weekend.
three more shows.
two more days.
then we're all done.
fun times in the past.
fun times ahead.
here we go!

(pc Emily)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Esther - 2nd show

cat, lib, me and kris

stene, josh, dev, kris, sean and jared

poof :)

me and jrayyy

brielle and liana :)

my little sister Brandon and the Sparkle man himself.
show #2 went well. i skipped Denny's and went straight home to sleeeeep.
got baptised this morning. so super amazing. :)
my cousins are still here from Virginia. we played at the park today and sang our favorite songs around the bonfire in the backyard.
school tomorrow. i did like 800 bajillion lessons of math today to catch up.
and noooo rehearsal tomorrow??
i'm actually gonna go straight home after math class???
this is so special.
haha. more pictures hopefully next weekend from the last few shows.
then...... spring break.

Friday, March 19, 2010

AHH. :)

there's something i love soo very much..... can you guess what it is??
and tonight was opening night.
so many smiles.
so many laughs.
so many prayers.
so many hugs.
so much happiness.
God was so good to us. we were blessed beyond imagination.
i'm so proud of you all. you worked so hard to put on a show that glorifies God. way to tell the story. keep up the good work. one down... four to go.
emily followed me around for a while and took pictures. PC goes to her for all of them.

libby and i with one of the super-awesome-can-do-crew :)

this was the "mission accomplished" picture :)

some of the bestest friends ever


niiiiice job getting in the picture, kev :P

so... there's a story here. but i don't really feel like telling it. lets just say..... cake...... scissors..... no plates or forks....... and a reeaaaalllly long day. we had fun. :)