Monday, February 22, 2010

guest post from an anonymous bff

once upon a time
there was a little chicken.
his name was Jillian
and he lived in New York city
at the top of the Empire State building.
he had a good life.
everday, he woke up and ate three pickles,
then did aerobics for several hours.
after a lunch of apricot jelly and baked potatoes,
Jillian headed to the movie theater,
where he watched "Batman and Robin" everyday.
one day, a cherry tree fell over on top of Jillian.
but he survived.
so it was all okay.
the end.

if you're looking for the point of that, you can stop. there isn't one. i just wanted to waste 30 seconds of your life.

go eat a waffle.


T-man said...

by reading it.... id guess that this is writen by david. buuuuuuuut im not sure if he is ur "bff"...... lol

Dave said...

hey... no i didn't. :)