Sunday, December 20, 2009

the first 39th ;)

today is my daddy's birthday :)

7am: wake up and let the dog out. try to fall back asleep on the couch.
830am: uncle mark and uncle mike arrive. while the four of us went outside to shovel snow, they stayed inside to make breakfast.
930am: bacon and eggs and fried potatos and orange juice for breakfast.
1030am: watched some of Will Ferrell's SNL skits and listened to Chunky :)
1230pm: Michigan Rummy with the family. Daddy won.
145pm: I took a walk with my parents in the snooow.
330: Uncle Mark took Em and I to spin some 360s... all parking lots were either occupied or plowed, but we did manage to sliiiiide around on the roads like maniacs and scare my neighbors.
3:55pm: blog post :)

in the backyard

pretty kitty

aww. :)


Chill said...

Sounds like fun! Bummer you couldn't do any doughnuts

Rach said...

we did a few donut holes tho ;)

Dave said...
