soooo. a HUGE thank you to Monica for allllll these pictures. she took a whole bunch after we had already packed up our camera. thanks Moany :)

dancing :)

haha so caleb was pretending to be drunk and walk the line... um..... ya. =P

um so... ya. jeremy swept me off my feet. literally. :D

dumb boys. :(

Lukey's pigeon dance :D


me and my Mama and Papa :)

haha. "stop toying with my heart." "whaaa...??"

thanks again moany :)

heehee. guess who ruined the picture. =P

"can you fix my h-e-a-r-t? cause it's d-a-m-a-g-d... wait... dang it spelled it wrong. go back!!" haha :)

the parking lot crew. :)

me and my old neighbors... long time no see!! we're all grown up now :)

noooo comment.
haha so that was it. the end. that was one of the best days ever :D
I wish that I could have been there for that!!!
Oh the parking lot...oh wow...that was unforgettable :)
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