kristen came over. and we played with the webcam. :D

quotes of the day:
Kris: i'm gonna be soooo mad!!!
Rach: siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.
Both: who needs brothers! we have olllllliverrrrrr.
Kris: marital strife is good! it shows that you love each other.
Rach: that was kristen. not me. i'd cry too much.
Rach: are you're legs wobbly?
Kris: no. i'm not that out of shape.
Rach: what the heck is in my mashed potatos?
Kris (to my neighbors....?): would you like to buy a plate, a fork, and some leftover ketchup? my price is $3.
Kris: we could go to parties. and hang with friends. and driiiiink!
Rach: umm... that lady is staring at us.
Kris: is that what i thiiiink it is??
Rach: it's paint.
Kris: oooh. i thought there was a giant bird on the loose.
Olly: i can't take the diiiiiistance!!
Kris: i'll look like a boy. my hair is up.
Kris: i'll look like a boy. my hair is up.
Rach: i always look like a boy. um. i mean...
Kris: HA!
Rach: tuuuurn it off! i have jonasbrotheritis!!!
haha. i'm sure there's more. but.... i can't think of it now. haha. ciao.
This is a good example of the women problems we encounter everyday at our church... I like the second picture, rachel looks like a zombie. ...a really pretty zombie of course... who is a vegetarian... yeah i kind of just put my foot in my mouth. I like the wobbly leg quote haha.
caps was on and i am to lazy to fix it =P
I also love Kristen's eyes in the 4th one. they look like oblonged marbles...or cats eyes..
Fourth picture rocks; love the elongated eyes.
"I thought there was a giant bird on the lose." Haha!
Yeah, the oogle eyes are the best of the odd ones. I love the last one, though.
Wow. Jonasbrotheritis. I think I have that chronically...
You girls make me laugh! :) Oh I love you both!
dude seriously you guys look like ghosts/zombies in the 2nd pic. You look amazing, your eyes are doing this creepy thing haha
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