Bear, second puppy out of nine, went home with Dominique and Steve yesturday! they fell in love with him from the moment they saw him, so it was a pretty quick decision. He showed them both sides of his personality, playing for a while and then falling asleep at Dominique's feet. they emailed this morning and said that he did great last night and is having so much fun playing and cuddling with them. i'm glad he got a good home...but it's still sad! he was one of the bestest puppies ever.
Here's a picture of me and Em with his new family! His new name is Choji :)
We miss him we're down to five puppies! i'm sooo worried Otto's gonna go soon...i sure hope not!!! :(
I ma glad he went to a good family...but i am sad that he is gone :(
:P... another one bites the dust... :(
Cry me a river...
haha believe me Mr. Jimmy Carter, i didn't cry...but it is kinda sad when you live with these guys for 9 weeks and then poof, they're gone. but yeah. no crying involved :P
snifffff - uggggg I loved him!!!
Just hide Otto when people come over...:P
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