Saturday, June 20, 2009

wedding :)

we went to Doug and Terry's wedding in WV today... it was a really sweet wedding and a fun time at the reception.
had a fun time hanging out with the cousins... hadn't seen them in a while!
L to R: Chris, Logan, me, Em and Becca

Terry was having fun with the cake :)

Em and Becca

Emily being... herself.

okay i love this picture. Terry's face = priceless. she had this little smirk that was like... "i am soooo going to smash this cake in your face and LOVE it!" lol too cute :)

Doug and Terry dancing
the lighting was really bad at the reception, so i didn't get too many good shots... bummer :(

Nanna and Grandpa <3

me and Emmy

1 comment:

Julie Barnett said...

I love your dress Rach! Too cute :)