haha. sooo jeremy's birthday was in July. but hannah still wanted to throw him a surprise party. in November. how very sneaky ;)
sooooo after the squaredance, hannah came back to my house. we set up sleeping bags in my room, and stayed up til like 2 trying to decide how we were gonna get Jeremy to the party.

then Saturday morning came. we got up at 9am, watched the first half of Pilgrim :D and then went up to Damascus for grocery shopping.... in our pajamas.
Hannah Quote: "i think a lot of my firsts, i do with you."
Me Quote: "yeeeaaah and this is definitely a first!"
haha so we got donuts at 7-11 and got all the stuff we needed, then headed back to the house. Caleb came over soon afterwards, and Steph and Jo got there around 230. We make 2 cakes, brownies, sheets and sheets of cookies, and a million tuna fish sandwiches.

Once Libs got there, the four production girls that were there (Caiti was going to be late, poor Ash couldn't come) headed out to pick up Jer from rehearsal, while Caleb and Steph and Emily went over to the Emelios to get everything set up.
from the man in white.
heehee :)
so that was our amazing day. thanks to the Emelios for letting us use your house. thanks to Caleb and Steph and Jo and Libby for helping set up. thanks to Hannah for being an amazing almost-sister and planning all this. thanks to Jer for being such a great friend.
the end.
The cat's name is most definitely NOT Oliver. It's Gus. End of story...
amazing day.
he was surprised. no question.
did you ever finish Pilgrim?
yesyesyes. and i watched it again last night. haha. :)
woohoo! This was so much fun :)
his name is nick sean! gosh..
Don't pretend to be over it. I know both of your aren't.
umm alex has apparently been talking to libby... either that, or he has no clue what he's saying. hehe ;)
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