today's the last day of the fair. sadness. but i had many fun times. so many :)

sarah, me, emily, and the king and queen :D

tractor riding with Emmy :)

me and the King

yes yes. they are Hello Kitty bandaids. (thank you sarah :)

lol i'm so glad caleb can drive. now they can just hang out until whenever... even like 1030 at night :D

chris, sarah, josh, me, caleb, emily and ted

we were getting licked to death =P
(pc sarah)

pc some random guy at the fair =P

caleb got an airbrush of a turtle named Muscles. haha the guy there was laughing at us... "really dude? a turtle? really??" :D

sarah, me, chris, jenn, caleb, emily and john
1 comment:
That was so much fun!!!!!
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