Christmas was awesome yesturday--Emily had been awake since 530am!! *gasp* She wasn't allowed to get my parents up until 7am, and the exact minute it was 7, she was in jumping on thier bed. :) I read the Christmas story out loud from the book of Luke, and then we exchanged gifts, just the 4 of us. My grandparents on my dad's side came over around 9, as well as Uncle Mike. I had a chocolate muffin and cantaloupe for breakfast. :D And you will NEVER guess what I got from Uncle Mark...and seeing as how you'll bever guess, I'll give you a hint:

Yes, I got an iPod Touch!!! sooooo cool. wi-fi internet access, 8GB of memory for my music, a bunch of cool apps and so much more. heehee I'm so excited!!!. :D
Then that night we went to Grandma and Grandaddy's house and had dinner there. We had so much fun there...ham and potatos for dinner, presents after dinner, ice cream for dessert, The Cosby Show, and Zits comic books before bed. We spent the night there and had a good breakfast in the morning and just hung out.
Me and Em
pc: Grandaddy
Daddy and Em
pc: MamaMe and Daddy
pc: Mama
i got an itouch too!
had so mouch fun!
Wow! Cool present Rach!
ok... 1st comment didn't go thru' wasup?
neat layout on the blog. nice pics, too! love you :) ~mama
Lucky!!!! if i didn't already have my ipod i would have soo goten an itouch.
Sounds fun!
Nice! Cantaloupe and chocolate muffins sounds pretty good...
Cool blog penguin girl,
Christmas morning was so much fun with you and the yummy breakfast,too.
Aw, fun times! The pics are great; I love your fam! And Em, you look adorable in that hat! :D
very nice, very nice
how do you define "a good breakfast?" a chocolate muffin and a cantaloupe?
Love the bloggy Rach! And what a surprise to see you in makeup! You're lovely, with and without. Lots of Luv from the H-10s
Yay Rachie got a blog!!!
I got an itouch too! They're awesome! I miss you and your family! We have to get together sometime!
Have fun with it!!! :D
That is great Rach! Glad you had a wonderful Christmas :)
i like your pic with the iTouch.
in Quay's perspective EVERYONE has an iTouch but i only know of 5 people. lol.
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