why hello.

today, i finished my first scholarship application. (clapclap) Lessons learned?
#1 - proving that you are smart is extremely difficult to do.
#2 - don't wait until 2 days before the deadline to get started.
#3 - Bing Crosby makes everything better :)
it's been a long week. not that much sleep, due to an evil headcold that is determined to murder me... double math lessons (yes we are STILL catching up from an unforseen break in classes. curse the snow)... special notes and indian accents at rehearsal on monday... a pajama party all by myself... 2 whole hours playing the saaame 5 measures of my piano song.... nothing to do for AP literature (my teacher is heading out of the country and i miraculously got all my homework done last week)... 6 episodes of Psych with my little sister while we baked and finished up my application this morning... yeah. it's been a pretty special week.
tomorrow i have a history quiz at 8am. George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James Knox Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan. HA. i did that from memory. :P
wow i really am tired. i think i'm still talking. am i? i think i am. wow. i should shut up.
// juuuust to seee you smiiiiiile......
haha. wow. bye.