Friday, February 26, 2010

my life at present.

why hello.

today, i finished my first scholarship application. (clapclap) Lessons learned?
#1 - proving that you are smart is extremely difficult to do.
#2 - don't wait until 2 days before the deadline to get started.
#3 - Bing Crosby makes everything better :)
it's been a long week. not that much sleep, due to an evil headcold that is determined to murder me... double math lessons (yes we are STILL catching up from an unforseen break in classes. curse the snow)... special notes and indian accents at rehearsal on monday... a pajama party all by myself... 2 whole hours playing the saaame 5 measures of my piano song.... nothing to do for AP literature (my teacher is heading out of the country and i miraculously got all my homework done last week)... 6 episodes of Psych with my little sister while we baked and finished up my application this morning... yeah. it's been a pretty special week.
tomorrow i have a history quiz at 8am. George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James Knox Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan. HA. i did that from memory. :P
wow i really am tired. i think i'm still talking. am i? i think i am. wow. i should shut up.
// juuuust to seee you smiiiiiile......
haha. wow. bye.

Monday, February 22, 2010

guest post from an anonymous bff

once upon a time
there was a little chicken.
his name was Jillian
and he lived in New York city
at the top of the Empire State building.
he had a good life.
everday, he woke up and ate three pickles,
then did aerobics for several hours.
after a lunch of apricot jelly and baked potatoes,
Jillian headed to the movie theater,
where he watched "Batman and Robin" everyday.
one day, a cherry tree fell over on top of Jillian.
but he survived.
so it was all okay.
the end.

if you're looking for the point of that, you can stop. there isn't one. i just wanted to waste 30 seconds of your life.

go eat a waffle.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


yes i did. believe it.
nine of us headed up to the big hill in our neighborhood to sled.
i took 381 pictures.
yes i did.
here are some of the best :)

this is the "are you going to be taking pictures all day?" smile :P

the girlies
emily's snow fort. yes. that is a table.

snowdrifts. joy is sitting on top of some bushes... covered in snow. haha

Joy all bundled up :)

gotta love Hannah's face in this one:

Emmy and Jules

Bubba wiped out. and didn't really feel like getting up. haha.

somebody got hit by a sled :P

there's that smile again... :)

joshyyy :)

Julie finally went down all by herself

aaaand then insisted on dragging her own sled back up the hill. with her hat down in her eyes. it was cute :)

snoooowball fight!!
