so picture this. you just got home from a dentist appointment, where they poked and prodded and poked some more until your mouth hurts like crazy. they also tell you that you need to get your wisdom teeth out... hooray. =/ so you walk in the front door and dump your stuff on the floor. too lazy to do anything else with it. you wanna grab a good book and curl up on your bed until your mouth stops hurting.
then you hear your mom and your uncle talking in the kitchen.
"i'd love to take them, if it's ok with you."
"it's fine with me, as long as brian says it's ok."
curiosity heightened. go where? is he talking about us?
"hey girls, come here a sec."
yes. he's definitely talking about us. so... where are we going?
"do you guys wanna go to ocean city with me for a day or two?"
duuuuh. yes. :)
45 minutes later Emily and I were packed and loading our bags in Uncle Mark's truck. waved goodbye to my mom on the front porch... and we were on the way.
i just have to say that random and spontaneous vacations are absolutely the best :)
and now on to the pictures...

so the first night, after we unpacked, we headed to the Boardwalk. it was beautiful weather, simply gorgeous. the moon was already out before the sun had gone down, and it made for some cool pictures :)

dinner at the boardwalk consisted of a bucket of boardwalk fries and fresh sqeezed lemonade. so what if it's not healthy? it's yummy :)

Uncle Mark and Emily standing by the big anchor. aaand this is the last picture i got before my camera battery died. and i had left the other battery in my room. grrr. =/

next day we went to the beach. much fun. i got a tan. :) (and a slight burn... but we won't talk about that ;)