Thursday, April 30, 2009


okay so I know this is ilke, all I ever post pictures of...but when you have seven little puppies about 20 feet away from you at all times...that's pretty much all there is to take pictures of ;)

so here's the scoop. I'll try to keep it as concise as possible.

recently these little guys have been eating something we affectionately call "gruel"...believe me, I've tried to get them to change the name. any ideas?

anyways, sometimes they can lap it up from the side of the bowl (very comical, btw), but most of the time they eat it off your fingers (which is also very comical :P)

And then there's Bear. okay so the story goes...about a week(ish) ago, 3 of our puppies were pretty sick with...something. i dunno what. (we're getting test results back soon) But anyways, they needed to be tube fed, since they weren't eating on thier own. so you see the problem. But there's a really nice lady who lives in our neighborhood who offered to keep them at her house and take care of feeding twice a day included. She took home with her 3 puppies: Lucy, Tuck and Bear. (I know I'm not supposed to have favorites, but Tuck and Bear are definitely my favorites, so I was pretty bummed) Lucy died this past Monday morning, unfortunately, but Tuck was doing fantastic! we finally got him home a few days ago and he's thriving. Bear, on the other hand, was making slower progress...for a while he was losing weight, and we were pretty sure he was gonna konk out. but at the moment he's doing much better! still being tube fed, but he came home last night and this morning for a visit (and to nurse ;). we're hoping he'll be able to come home soon!

Here's a picture of Annie (left) and Bear (right). see how small he is in comparison? :(

this is Ellie :) she's very sweet and cuddly...the one who likes to climb in your lap and cuddle.

little puppy in a big doggie bed :)Align Center

so she just fell asleep with her head on the cute :)

so that's it for now. sorry, that was long. but hey. ;)

and I promise (i think?) that Pilgrim pictures are coming soon. that would require *taking* them first tho...heh. yeah. ;)

Monday, April 27, 2009

blue eyes.

it makes me smile :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

oh my word. pilgrim.

so.....the show is this Friday. THIS Friday. not next Friday, not in-a-month Friday...this Friday. I'm psyched and terrified at the same time...trying to trust God through the whole situation and cast my cares on him. Isaiah 26:3 says "you will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you." so comforting.

on a lighter note...I would just like to say during the span of rehearsals I have conquered mayonaise...been followed constantly by Anne of Green Gables...learned about a spot in my heart for schnitzel that I didn't know I had...and had an all around awesome time. I definitely need to take my camera to rehearsal and get some pictures.

anyways, this was just a shoutout to let you guys know that I have not fallen off the face of the earth. I am still here, I promise.

save the whales! and goodbye. ;)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

a little moment I'm having...

it's 11:59pm. and guess what I'm doing at 11:59pm? I'm just sitting here on the floor in the puppy room, petting Millie and keeping my eye on these nine little squirmy things called puppies. they are sooo precious. the little sqeaky noises they make...sigh. ;) so yeah my shift is about over and I'm gonna hit the sack for a while, but I just thought I'd share with you all what a sweet little moment I'm having right now. :D (pics are def coming soon, but tomorrow. not now. tomorrow. ;)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Millie is here :)

So she has this tendency to look slightly ugly in photos...but really, she is pretty cute. ;) if you have no clue what we're doing with a dog (she's only staying for like 4 months, fyi - now I probably confused you even more :P), you can check out my sister's blog...she'll be documenting the "journey" and posting LOTS of puppy pictures.

so very tired... (both of us ;)

"me? are you talking to me?"

sooo pregnant. she's huge. it's cute to see her walk tho, she waddles :P